Starring Nicholas Hoult, Laia Costa, Danny Huston, Mathew Gray Gubler, Pom Klementieff
Writer / Producer
My aim in writing NEWNESS was to tell a story that felt both 100% of-the-moment and simultaneously timeless. Notions of instant gratification and constant stimulation had become synonymous with the Millennial generation (my generation). Dating apps were the new normal, and in turn, the pursuit of physical and emotional intimacy was beginning to feel like it was less about lasting connection and more about relief seeking (like so much else we do on our phones). It was this moment in time that inspired me to write the story of a young couple, for whom love— as they’ve come to define it— doesn’t feel like it’s enough. I started writing this script without an outline— much like the characters, without a road map. I think the film’s exploratory outcome is a reflection of that choice. Currently available on Netflix.